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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  January 11, 2014 9:00am-10:01am PST

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constitution and i'll underline the fourth amendmentment. like cliff notes for dummies. by the way, you swore to uphold this so many years ago. see you at 5:00. have a great weekend everybody. hello shall. i'm uma pemmaraju live from washington. we begin with two major news stories at this hour. one happening here at home. the other thousands of miles away overseas. a state of emergency in west virginia as thousands of people struggle another day without water for drinking, bathing or cooking. it's been three days since a chemical spill near charleston forced food and businesses to shut down and left residents scrambling where bottled water is in short supply. as of now, no word on when it will be declared safe enough to use. a live report from west virginia coming your way in just a few moments.
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but first, israel, mourns the death of a remarkable warrior statesman. earn that nation's respect with military leadership and patriotism. ariel sharon has died. 85-year-old was in a coma for eight years after suffering a stroke back in 2006. sharon garnered the nickname the bulldozer early in his career because of his reputation for stopping at nothing. connor powell joins us live from jerusalem with more on the life and legacy of israel's controversial former prime minister. connor? >> reporter: uma, he was loved and loathed, he was controversial. there was no doubt that ariel sharon was one of the significant leaders in israel's history. he was nicknamed the bulldozer. he was a special forces kmcommao who later turned into a politician. at the height of his power as prime minister, he suffered a debilitating stroke and has been hanging on in a coma for eight years. he was controversial, no denying that. not only around the world but
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here in israel. hailed as a war hero and a war criminal. in 2000, sharon sparked a palestinian uprising when he pushed past security in one of islam's most sacred locations during the violence. thousands of palestinians and israelis died. sharon was an early supporter of israeli settlements in the palestinian territory. but he later did an about face while prime minister led the total unilateral disengagement from gaza. one of the most controversial political decisions in israel. sharon concluded that israel needed to disengage from the palestinians on israel's terms. or else, the security arrangements and borders on israel. he was 85 when he died. now, according to israeli law, he's eligible to be buried at mnt hers he will. however, he will be buried in
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southern israel on his family's farm. there will be a state ceremony tomorrow and he will be buried on monday. uma? >> connor, thanks for bringing us up to date on the death of ariel sharon. turning to the other big story out of west virginia. at this hour thousands of people are wondering how much longer will they have to endure a do not drink ban as they wait for news on the testing under way of that state's water supply for nine counties. affected by a toxic chemical spill. it isn't simply interrupting the daily lives of residents in the area. it's also making some folks ill with area hospitals saying dozens of people are showing up in emergency rooms complaining of nausea and other symptoms. at this hour, four people have been hospitalized. doug mckelway is joining us live from bell, west virginia, with the latest on the situation. doug? >> reporter: that's right, uma. we're at a water distribution center 15 miles east of
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charleston. there's been a steady stream of people coming in all morning long with thermoses, milk cartons, you name it to replenish their water supply. this is one of several facilities set up. people behaving calmly. there's no panic whatsoever. that was not entirely the case yesterday when news of this water emergency first broke. >> when the water company put out the do not use order, a lot of people rushed the big bag stores, convenience stores to get water. the first people that got there got it. later, people didn't get it. it caused some civil disturbances in certain areas. we had to get law enforcement involved. >> last night the president of the chemical company that caused the spill met with reporters just outside of the gates where the spill happened. >> i've prepared a short statement. i would like to start by sincerely apologizing to the
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people in the affected counties of west virginia. our friends and our neighbors, this incident is extremely unfortunate, unanticipated and we are very, very sorry. >> reporter: those apologies may not go very far. even before the first day of this crisis had ended, there were something like 800 calls to poison centers. there were six admissions -- or four admissions to hospitals. six lawsuits were filed against the west virginia american water company and also freedom industries. one of the lawsuits filed by a man scheduled to undergo a kidney transplant. the surgery had to be canceled and he had to go back to dialysis which contributed to his pain and suffering. let's get to the question. it's a foaming agent used in the processing of coal. specifically to wash the sulfur off the exterior of the coal before it goes to market as
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mandated by the federal government. we're hearing conflicting views about the toxicity of the stuff. this is the president of the company that caused the spill. >> the chemical has a very, very low toxicity. so if you look at the technical nato owe available on the product. it has no affect on aquatic life. >> i'm sure that's some comfort to aquatic life. what about to human life. according to the cdc, this chemical may cause irritation of the eyes, skin, upper respiratory system and headaches. in animals, it may cause unconsciousness and liver and kidney damage. that is no small concern in this largely rural area where a lot of people own livestock, a lot of people depend on livestock. we're hearing, as i said of four hospital admissions yesterday. people experiencing nausea and vomiting. but there's no indication as of yet that is directly related to the ingestion of water. we've been hearing of lots of visits to emergency rooms.
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in fact, people taken to other emergency rooms because of overcrowding. but we would suggest that in cases like this, as often happened in the past, when you get a major scare like this, a lot of the symptoms tend to be psychosomatic. the bottom line, nobody yet knows when the water crisis will end. uma, back to you. >> wow, a very difficult and tough situation for the residents out there. doug, thank you so much for the update. a little later in the show, we'll be talking to the sheriff of the county to bring us up to date on the emergency efforts that are under way to help the folks out there. all right. turning now to politics here at home. claims that vice president joe biden has been "wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four years" has the white house playing defense and working to defuse concerns. those and other remarks from former defense secretary robert gates in his new book waging sharp criticism at the obama white house.
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as fox news' molly hen berg explains, the book comes amid tensions. >> part of that tension is afghan president hamid karzai's decision to release 72 prisoners that american officials believe are a security threat. former defense secretary robert gates wrote in his book that president obama can't stand karzai. he also has sharp words for vice president joe biden. although he called him a valuable colleague but he knocks biden's grasp of international relations and said he's been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades. gates, who was defense secretary under former president george w. bush and then under president obama says he almost quit in september 2009 after a meeting on afghanistan where he said "i was deeply uneasy with the obama white house's lack of appreciation from the top down of the uncertainties and unpredictability of war."
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even after president obama ordered a surge of troops into afghanistan, one fox military analyst says gates' book suggests members of the president's national security staff were trying to convince the president that the strategy was failing. >> that's clearly undermining the presidential decision that is being executed and troops are on the field executing that and obviously getting wounded and killed executing. that's why it's so serious and that's why secretary gates speaks so strongly about it. >> the obama administration has been pushing back on secretary gates' book. in part saying that, of course, there were debates about the policy in afghanistan. >> that process led to a stronger, better policy for our troops and for our national security because it was focused on what the original purpose of going to afghanistan was about, which was holding responsible those who attack the united states and killed americans on september 11th, 2001.
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and assisting the new afghan government and the afghan security forces. >> carney also says that the president never wanted war in afghanistan without end. as for vice president biden, carney says biden is a "key adviser" and that the president greatly values the counsel he provides. uma in. >> all right, molly. thank you very much. as you might imagine, these revelations from the gates new book is creating lots of heat with some folks upset that he's blasting a sitting president who happens to be his former boss. joining us now, the former head of homeland security, governor tom ridge is joining us who says he doesn't have a problem with the book and that's revelations. great to see you. nice to have you here. >> it's nice to join you. no, i don't have a problem with it. robert gates is an extraordinary american, unique relationships with multiple presidents going as far back as president nixon. his candid look at the mind-set
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of the president, which i think is important for americans to know because we have three more years of his presidency and conclusions that he drew with regard to how involved domestic politics were in making national security decisions, perhaps can help explain not only what's been going on vis-a-vis we drew a line in the sand with syria, but we erased it somewhat in a different approach to iranianter tichl. i think it's a startling revelation but a broader condemnation of how we're conducting business in the 21st century and the greatest nation in the world. his indictment of congress is pretty strong as well. >> absolutely. >> you know what i found interesting and striking about this memoir is that despite the president's decision back in 2009 to destroy thousands of troops in that surge that in the book gates says the president kept the focus on ending the war and not winning it. in fact, we throw up a quote there. it says specifically that
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president obama doesn't trust his commanders, doesn't consider the war to be his. for him, it's all about getting out. what impact do you think that this has behind closed doors on the mind-set, though, of the military leaders at the time? >> i think the impact is devastating because it's obviously reflected in the conversations i'm sure that he had with general petraeus and mcchrystal and passed down to the combatant commanders. i think bob gates says that, frankly, they had national security staff calling three and four-star generals calling combatant commanders in the field. there's no place for that. it frankly, reflects probably a greater concern domestically about how the war is playing out, rather than a commitment to executing a strategy to a successful completion, whatever that strategy, whatever that completion, goal was. frankly, we never had that articulated by the president and that's one of the concerns that
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bob gates has and to have. how can you send 30,000 people -- how can you you embrace a surge, be doubtful about its impact and at the same time conclude that it's the right thing to do for america. the concern that he expressed with regard to domestic political consideration as being involved in national security decisions, that's not what's good for my country, it's turning president kennedy's phrase inside out. >> you know, homeland security chief in the aftermath of 9/11, a very emotional time, of course, the country was truly united on the mission in afghanistan. with our troops fully engaged in that war on terror, how do you think that this is playing out with our troops but also to those people who say if mr. gates was truly that upset about what was happening inside the white house, why didn't he just resign and come forward with the revelations to the american people and put it out for there
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everyone to see? >> i think there were several reasons that he -- number one, he chose to stay. i remember this -- he served president bush right after secretary rumsfeld. there was a great deal of concern about how the restructuring of the military would be as a patriot, i'm confident that without having this discussion with him, that he stayed to try to continue to work with the military to see that we had the strongest, the best focused and the best equipped military for the first century to meet america's needs. at the same time, there was a shifting in policy and he dealt with a slightly different personality who according to the book brought a slightly different mind-set toward the use of the military and the engagement much military in both iraq and afghanistan. i think that the fact that he stayed on for a couple of years to complete the mission and moved on, i'm not troubled by this a bit. >> quickly, going forward, what does it stay to us about the leadership under way in the white house? >> it's pretty clear that at
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least bob gates feels very, very strongly that when it comes to this white house engagement in the rest of the world, domestic politics may trump broader national security needs. i think that is a mind-set. it's probably one of the reasons he thought to reveal this at this time. we've got three years of this presidency and it's quite revealing. it's very sobering and it's something that should cause some concern and alarm among the general public. president of the united states, your commander in chief, when you make those decisions regarding national security, it's when the country's interests, not how you can benefit or somehow not benefit by that decision politically. >> governor, great to see you at always. thank you for joining us. great insight. >> thank you. well, after months of
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complaints and controversy over the botched rollout of obamacare, there's news that the white house is calling it quits and dropping the i.t. contractor responsible for the problem-plagued website. after deciding that the company called cgi federal was not effective enough in fixing the complex computer system, the white house deciding now not to renew its contract with that contractor. as for cgi, it maintains that its managers never had time to properly test the system before the october 1st rollout. turning now to a developing story where we are now learning that target's massive security breach may have affected many more people than we first were led to believe. 70 million more people in fact. when target first revealed the security breach, it claimed 40 million credit and debit card users had been compromised. now target is telling fox business that hackers used a different method to get those names, mailing addresses, phone numbers and e-mails of up to 70 million more people. target insisting, though, this isn't a new breach, saying all
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of it had been discovered during its initial investigation. and we're also learning that target isn't alone. retailer neiman-marcus is saying hackers may have stolen credit card information from its customers during the holiday shopping season. but at this point, it's still unclear just how many consumers may have been affected with secret service agents now assisting in this investigation. well, the technology you can't live without could come at a price you're not willing to pay. ahead, you'll hear from a well-known clinical psychologist explaining how our lives and sleep patterns are being turned upside down in the glow of our new modern gizmos. plus, as american kenneth bae languishes in a north korean prison cell, his family fears his release is unlikely. kenneth bae's sister will join us about her fight to free her brother. u.s. veterans despondent over the -- the al qaeda stronghold in fallujah and
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ramadi are holding firm. we're going to ask an iraq war veteran serving in congress if he feels his service is running -- when you have diabetes like i do, getting the right nutrition isn't always easy. first, i want a way to help minimize my blood sugar spikes. then, a way to support heart health. ♪ and let's not forget immune support. ♪ but now i have new glucerna advance with three benefits in one. including carbsteady ultra to help minimize blood sugar spikes. it's the best from glucerna. [ male announcer ] new glucerna advance. from the brand doctors recommend most. advancing nutrition for diabetes.
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welcome back everybody. now a follow-up to our top story. federal authorities have joined the investigation into that chemical spill in west virginia. four people have now been hospitalized because of that chemical spill. sheriff jonathan rutherford is joining us live. welcome, sheriff. great to have you here. >> good morning. >> i know you're busy there. talk with us for a moment about how the emergency relief efforts are going and how people are coping with this situation. >> we're doing quite well. we have an emergency plan here in the kanawha county. we initiated that plan first thing thursday. at first people were a little anxious trying to get the freshwater. however, there were minor problems. things are going well. we have water at all distribution locations. we have a deputy sheriff and policemen and troopers stationed at different areas to provide assistance.
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at this point, there's no problems and things are going well. >> do you feel like most of the folks have received word about the dangerousness of drinking water. not everybody watches television or reads the newspapers. >> yeah. we've done a good job of notifying everyone. we have a swift reach and reverse 911. we initiated that thursday evening telling everyone in the counties of the dangers and what numbers to call to get assistance. we've done a good job. we're fielding phone calls from people that are shut-in, that can't get water and our ambulance authority and other authorities are getting water to their residents. we're doing well at this point. >> how concerned are you, though, as the days go forward and you still have no answers from the testing at this point that this can go on for some time and the contingency plans under way to make sure people have bottled water to make use of? >> the state along with the
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county has contacted resources to bottled water is coming in by truck loads at this point. we have emergency numbers for people to call and like i say, we're delivering it to the residences, the hospitals, the nursing homes and points a such as this where residents can come and get the water. we have a contingency plan and we're prepared to go as long as we need to. >> sheriff, great to see you today. we wish you all the best. keep us posted. >> okay. thank you, ma'am. >> thank you. turning now you to iraq and the fight between government forces there and al qaeda militants. the city of fallujah and ramadi. at this moment, there seems to be no sign of this ending at this point. a health official in anbar province is saying that over the last two weeks, at least 60 people have died and almost 300 others wounded. as the two sides battle over territory, u.s. troops once fought and died for, many are
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questioning if the u.s. should step back in. joining us now pennsylvania congressman who is also an iraq war veteran. congressman, great to have you here today. i know there are a lot of folks who are very concerned about what's happening on the ground there in ramadi and fallujah, particularly for the fact that you and your fellow soldiers out there fought and died in those areas where al qaeda seems to be taking a stronghold once again. talk to me about the emotions that are running through your mind right now. >> well, yeah. we do know that al qaeda, they've raised the flag over territory, which is something we haven't seen. the president told us that al qaeda was on the run and in dismay and disbanding and clearly it's not true. for people like me that spent a year away from my family, missed the birth of my first cold. i'm a lucky one. i came home unhurt. i don't have unseen injuries.
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for people, the pennsylvania guard, the second combat brigade team lost 17 soldiers in anbar province. you know, for those families, for that little girl who doesn't have a father, for the mother who doesn't have a son, they must be saying and rightly so, what was that for? what was that worth? we secured the victory. these service members, soemd yers of all branches secured this victory and now this president and this administration simply handed it away, gave it away. they hadn't earned it to give it away. very disappointed. we wonder what that was all about and i'm furious about it. i'm furious. i i all americans should be. what was the point of that whole thing if they were going to hand it away, which is what -- >> government has let you down. >> yeah. i don't know if the government has. a whole lot of people. this administration in particular, i understand. most people do, look, if you disagree with the policies and many people did. we respect that. at the point where the president
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took office, this victory had be secured, the work essentially had been done. all he had to do was safeguard it. it's like handing your brand new car that you sacrificed to your friend, somebody you trusted and instead of taking it down the block and putting it in the garage, they had run it over a cliff and somehow that's supposed to be okay. it's not okay. we expected him to do the right thing and we understand the agreement might have been difficult to secure with unsure government at the time. but one sure government we had was the united states. they should have worked extra hard to make sure it happened. everything i read shows us that they did very little to secure that status of forces agreement to secure the victory and now we've got resurgent al qaeda. what do we have to do, deal with them again coming to america's shores or america's interest while we have already fought this fight, sacrificed? people are walking around without limbs, with disfigurements, with emotional issues, with broken families. for what? that is the question, for what? i think that's a reasonable
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question. >> it's really heartbreaking, i know, to think about the fact, about the folks who are living with these disabilities and those who have lost their lives. what about a growing number of people who are starting to say, perhaps we need to rethink our policy and perhaps recommit ourselves to securing those cities and trying to bring more stability back into iraq. do you think that's a good idea? >> i think -- well, i can't say that i think it is. how do you tell somebody that you -- doing your work again after you've done it once and well and done it effectively, now you have to go back and do it again, especially, i hate to say this, with all due respect under this administration and this president. maybe under a different one. but this one. i think bob gates' book shows it. this gentleman has no interest and so we have no faith. we have no trust in him in the role of commander in chief to have us go back in, boots on the ground, back into iraq to do the work we've done well and done effectively for some political
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narrative, especially when we think and we believe many of us that the reason we didn't find the status of forces agreement is because of the upcoming november election after the 2010 presidential election in iraq and things didn't go the way america wanted it to do. when the president we think does things for political reasons, we're unwilling to put our lives on the line for that. >> a very emotional issue for so many of you. we thank you for your service and your insights. >> thank you very much, have a great day. >> all the best to you. many of you are at home sounding off about this on twitter. here are some of your thoughts on whether the u.s. should recommit to having troops in iraq. sash a. is tweeting no, let the iraqis sort it out. it's their country. >> no. we should limit our involvement. murray adds, not under obama we don't. another tweet, i think a
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well-trained intelligent security force is necessary. that's a strategy and tactic i would support. that's just a quick look at some of of the tweets we're getting. up next, a family holding on to hope for the safe release of their loved one from a north korean prison. kenneth bae's sister will be joining us live. stay with us.
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welcome back everybody. this is a fox news alert. former israeli prime minister ariel sharon has died. he has been in a coma for the past eight years after a stroke ended his political career back in 2006. it is day three for residents in nine west virginia counties who cannot drink or bathe in their tap water. the president of the company responsible for a chemical leak is issuing an apology to the 300,000 people affected in the area. officials say they don't know
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when the water will be safe enough to use again. same-sex marriage will be recognized. that announcement made by the u.s. attorney general previously report stopped weddings until an issue surrounding a state ban. and this word just in. new york yankee alex rodriguez has caught a break. an arbitrator reduced a suspension from 211 games to 162. the shortstop was suspended last august for allegedly using performance-enhancing drugs. turning now to news overseas, the family of american kenneth bae says they hope the recent remarks from dennis rodman don't further endanger his life. kenneth bae has been in prison in north korea now serving a 15-year sentence on charges that he planned to overthrow the north korean government.
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joining us now kenneth bae's sister, terry chung, welcome it's nice to have you here. our hearts go out to you and your family. this is a stressful and difficult time for you. but at the very least, after this week of headlines regarding dennis rodman and the remarks that he had been making in north korea, this once again puts a spotlight on the plight of your brother who has been captive there for quite some time. >> that's right. you know, the longest detained american in north korea. he's been there for 14 months. his health has failed and he's been in the hospital. we want everyone, all americans and our government leaders to know that he needs to come home now. >> this is a story that has drifted away to some degree from the headlines. again, we're putting a spotlight on it because, of course, efforts to seek his release are something that so many people are hoping for. but yet, it still seems it's
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taking quite a long time for improvement. what do you know about his health conditions at this point? >> he's been hospitalized since august. so you can see it's quite a long time. some of his chronic conditions have been improved some but he has a severe back injury that doesn't allow him to stand for more than 30 minutes at a time. so he's still in the hospital. you know, we're gravely concerned about his health. >> are you hearing word from folks in north korea at all about any hope that there's some movement, particularly following recent efforts to secure his release here in the united states and from those who are pushing the north korean government to take action on this? >> unfortunately, there hasn't been much communication. an envoy was supposed to go at the end of august with ambassador bob kaine. that was turned back.
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since then, not a whole lot. my mother visited in october and we're hoping and praying every day for swift resolution to this case that has gone on far too long. >> again, can you try to explain to the audience as to the charges that are being brought against your brother saying that he is being accused of overthrowing the north korean government. how are they justifying that charge at this point? >> you know, kenneth was there working legally as a tour operator. he did that for at least 18 tours into north korea as a legitimate businessman for almost two years before he was arrested so the rest is a surprise to us. i can say -- i'm not in a place to dispute the legal charges by the north korean government because of the sensitivity. but i can say with certainty that he in no way had any harmful intentions against the north korean people or the
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government. he had the biggest heart for them. you know, he was happy to be contributing to their economy with his business. >> now, it's obviously a very sad and emotional situation for you and one that -- a story that we will continue to follow and hope for some better news in the days ahead. we thank you so much for sharing your story with us and we will stay in close touch with you as we move forward with the story. >> thank you for having me. >> thank you. all the best to you. a decorated commander who was a man of war but also a prime minister who made -- the life and legacy of ariel sharon coming your way next. it's donut friday at the office. and i'm low man on the totem pole.
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you need some campbell's chunky soup before today's big game, new chunky cheeseburger. mmm. i love cheeseburgers. i know you do. when did you get this place? when i negotiated your new contract, it was part of the deal. cool. [ male announcer ] campbell's chunky soup. it fills you up right. welcome back everybody. more on our top story of the hour. the passing of israeli leader ariel sharon. president obama offering condolences and commitment to israel following the 85-year-old's death. sharon was in a coma for the last eight years after a devastating stroke brought his political career to a sudden end in 2006. more now from mike tobin on the life and legacy of ariel sharonment. >> his life was one of the most controversial in modern middle east history. he was shifting constantly between the role of villain and
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hero with his own jewish people. nicknamed the bulldozer, he was unstoppable. sharon fought in all of israel's wars. he was shot in the abdomen in 1967 and caught the attention of israel's first prime minister by creating commando 101. israel's premiere releet fighting force. promoted to general, sharon led israeli forces across the suez canal in the yom kippur war and got a first case of hero status. nine years later after a peace deal between egypt and they gave up the sinai peninsula, it was sharon's task to forcibly -- on the sinai. then he got the first taste of villain status. he was championing the construction of the new settlement thes on land captured in the 1967 war and encouraging jews to move there. sharon's relationship at nemesis to yasir arafat began when
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israel invaded lebanon. israeli took casualties, sharon took the blame. then a christian militia slaughtered several in a refugee camp, ariel sharon was accused of turning his back and allowing the massacre. 400,000 israeli protesters packed what is today rabbin square in tel aviv. there was a recommendation that sharon be removed and never allowed to serve as defense minister again. he left the government in shame. but the bulldozer kept rolling. he returned as foreign minister. he was present at the river talks in maryland war yasir arafat claims they shook hands. after the camp david talks in 2000, israelis felt the then prime minister offered palestinians too much. yasir arafat felt it wasn't enough and refused. the two sides were filled with pressure and ready to ignite, ariel sharon provided spark. he made a trip to the heart of
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the controversy the whaling wall and sharrif, palestinians saw this leader walk through a revered site. one day later there was a riot and bloodshed at the complex. the palestinian uprising began. israelis elected the strongest figure on their political landscape. ariel sharon. israeli and palestinian blood tloed in the following flurry of suicide bombings and military reprisals. he rolled bulldozers into the west bank. all the while refusing to negotiate with his career long enemy and the leader of the palestinians. pressured from the international community and by palestinian attacks, sharon said his view was now different from the prime minister's office. he turned against the occupation and the settlements he once championed forcing a plan to withdraw all israeli soldiers and settlers from the gaza strip and a small part of the west bank.
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sharon's opponents in government reluctantly embraced the plan. some members of his own coalition turned their backs on him. sharon became the target of death threats from extremists who believe it's sackry lij to keep juice from every inch of the promised land. 7500 settlers and thousands of demonstrators were removed from the gaza strip. the public watched scenes of jew fighting jew. the withdrawal was a success but he emerged with government in turmoil. the former allies turned on him. for political survival, sharon was forced to leave the party which he founded. et formed the more centrist kadeema party he was instantly the most popular political party in israel. sharon appeared on his way if a third term as prime minister. a week before christmas 2005, sharon suffered what was described as a mild stroke.
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three days later, he was back on his feet resuming the duties of prime minister. appearing once again to be unstoppab unstoppable. within three weeks, sharon suffered another stroke. this one described as massive. sharon's final battle was the one for his life, fought and lost in hospital. onstipation by eating healthier, drinking plenty of water, but still not getting relief? try dulcolax laxative tablets. dulcolax is comfort-coated for gentle, over-night relief. dulcolax. predictable over-night relief you can count on.
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. welcome back. well our addiction to our 24/7 technology could be hazardous to your health. a new study has alarming news for your work alochall licks. thank for joining us wmplths thanks for having me. >> there's growing concerns that our sleep patterns are being severely compromised if you happen to be one of the thousands of folks who cuddle up if your smartphone. tell me about the impact of this. >> we know that the teenagers can use their smartphones in silence in the middle tf night. so they can sneak these things and there's really good resenl out there that suggests the
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light, just the light alone from the smartphone is enough to disrupt your circadian rhythms so you can't sleep well. that coupled with the fact even if you're reading a book, you can switch to facebook or youtube or something that's completely overstimulating. so having a tablet or phone or any screen in bed with you in the evening is by and large a really bad idea. >> long term this could be really harmful than most people consider apart from just sleep. is that not so? >> that's true. there are studies that link depression, anxiety, loneliness, even things like heart disease to use long term use of tablets in bed overnight. >> there is also news that people who are high achievers, people who bring their work home
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from the office often face depression because they're isolated from the rest of the world. talk to me for a moment about what the impact of that is and what this means for our culture. >> right. these are some counter intuitive findings if you think about it. you would think that somebody who is an overachiever, they can bring their work home and work on that tablet long into the night. they're going to be really efficient. there's some research that supports the fact that they are. the problem is that they become so connected to the machine that they're disconnected from the rest of our lives. so they're working night and day, a lot of people -- i've worked with some people who wake up in the middle of the night and they are still grabbing that tablet and getting back to work. their sleep is disrupted. the long term results of that, again, anxiousness, depression, a lot of loneliness and wildly disrupted sleep patterns.
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>> we are pressed today because of the breaking news but i know this is something that is continuing to make head lyons. we want to have you back to talk to us more about the long term impact this could have on the culture a and our young people as they go forward in this new era of technology. >> that would be my pleasure. >> thank you so much, doctor, for joining us today. up next, take a look at this amazing video. is it an x-ray image or an optical illusion. you be the judge. [ laughter ] smoke? nah, i'm good. [ male announcer ] celebrate every win with nicoderm cq, the unique patch with time release smartcontrol technology that helps prevent the urge to smoke all day long. help prevent your cravings with nicoderm cq. that helps prevent the urge to smoke all day long. c explore what's new for 575 calories or less on oulighter fareu. enjoy fresh tossed.
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do not take viagra if you take nitrates r chest pain; it m cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effectinclude headach flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid ng-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and cl ur doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking actn. viagra. talk to your doctor.
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well take a look at this stunning photo from a nasa telescope. the as trom mers who captured the image have named it the happened of god. it's actually a cloud of material being ejected by an exploding star.
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quite an image indeed. that's going to do it for us here in d.c. thanks for joining us. make it a great day, everybody. see you next time. hello and welcome. glad you're with us this saturday. i'm greg. >> and i'm jamey. topping the news hour there are nearly 300,000 people in west virginia that are unable to bathe or show ore barely cook. it's the third day in a row following a massive chemical spill into their water supply and authorities still don't know how long it could last. even boiled water there isn't safe. shocking new details in the target security scandal. why the number


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